Research Terminates at Infinity. Knowledge has no limits: Though, research at higher level has assumed immeasurable dimensions with its classification into different fields of study, yet , there are matters of mutual interest to give a comprehensive treatment to the subject under investigation. In surmounting the problems in respective areas of research, one is invariably forced to encroach other disciplines. There are a number of instances of joint ventures, involving scientists from divergent fields of study, to develop consensus to conclude. In the strict sense, research at the top level has resisted to have been colonized or survived in isolation. The alliance of natural, life and social sciences has provided new dimensions leading to a new era of interactions between man and nature. Nature has always been compromising whenever man intellectually approached to share its secrets. For example, Study in genetics, has impact on a number of physical and biological sciences. Research in crystallography is extensively applied by physicists, chemists and chemical engineers etc. alike. |
Science International, in service since 1988, is a Multi-Disciplinary, open-access, Journal of its class devoted to all fields of basic and applied science. Originality, Innovation, and modification are the focus of our publication, independent of subjects, fields, or disciplines.
For the past few decades, research has assumed immeasurable dimensions and manipulations. The crossbreeding of subjects has aggravated the manifold expansion of new avenues of exploration with a further scope of widening the research areas for future generations of scholars. In this pursuit, a phenomenon of hybridization of natural and social sciences has progressively emerged with a thrust of infinite challenges to be encountered by the forthcoming generations of scholars in exploring the mysteries of nature. By and large, the universal application of Mathematics, statistics, and environmental studies, in particular, has invariably played a pivotal role in the manifestation of this phenomenon of hybridization. Multidisciplinary journals have resolutely accommodated this myth of convergence of natural and social sciences invariably fertilized by advances in the fundamentals of the basic fields of study. The matrix of this phenomenon has thus enhanced the role of multidisciplinary journals to a great deal providing publication space to the voluminous burst of research literature.
Services of Science International in this respect has a recurring past and is looking for a telling future, publishing papers from all disciplines of pure to applied systems of studies.
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We focus on originality, Innovation, Modification, and Improvement
independent of the field of study.
Global concern is observed in tertiary education sectors in various conducts on women' underrepresention in higher education leadership positions. Empirical studies on women leadership in higher education are mostly conductedin Western societies, whereas the literature is still scarce in the Asian context. In leadership, men outstrip women across every service sector around the globe, namely corporate, government, non-profit, educational, medicine, religion; to name but a few, women leaders are still in minority. The social and cultural perceptions have widened the gap between men and women, in South Asian region. Keeping in view the social sensitivites, the issue has become more difficult to address. Although women have stepped onto managerial positions, cultural perceptions and empowernment discrimination still exist in many Asian Societies and organizations, where leadership preference is given to men compared to their gender counterparts. In past decade, women leadership in higher education, has gained more awareness and consideration.
Executive Editor, SI-Lhr